Hey all
So, I’ve been meaning to write up this post and it’s been
a highly requested one. If you want to get to know me a little better, you may
want to read these 25 random facts about me, these are in no particular order, I have
tried to keep them as interesting (and honest!) as possible, hope you enjoy!
1) I love coffee! My mornings do not begin until I have
had my cup of it, I prefer cappuccinos with extra sugar and usually like to
slurp the frothy/foamy bit first before sipping the rest, yes i am a weirdo!
2) I am very picky about what I wear, I’d rather have
very few clothes in my wardrobe that are of decent quality and branded rather
than a wardrobe full of rubbish. I’d rather wash these clothes and wear them
over and over than have an overflowing pile in my wardrobe that don’t really do
anything for me. Lets face it, expensive clothes generally last longer too don’t
3) My fav fizzy drink is normal Coke, if there’s no Coke,
I then opt for Sprite or 7up, and I am not really keen on the drinks like Apple
Tango, Orange or Cherry aid.
4) I spend most of my money on clothes, makeup and
regular hairdresser visits.
5) My favourite childhood memory is when we used to go to
Florida, eating Lucky Charms cereal for breakfast, visiting Disneyland and
going to Universal Studios. The exciting part? Hiring a car and a villa for two
whole weeks!
6) I am 33 years old.
7) I don’t really like coloured or half sleeved shirts, I
prefer black or white and longsleeved ones.
8) One thing I do far too much of is over thinking and
over worrying. Wait, is that two facts?
9) My birthdate is the 27th.
10) I come across very confident but I am actually very
shy and anxious when you first meet me, it takes a while for me to open up
depending on the people around me. I usually break the ice by cracking a lame
joke or taking the mickey out of myself.
11) I thrive on sarcasm and find it nice when people
reply back with sarcasm rather than getting offended. (Provided you’ve not said anything really offensive of course)
12) I don’t really like showing my feet, that’s not
because I have an extra toe or something, its just something I feel conscious
of and don’t really like to show unless I have to.
13) I am actually quite impatient and get bored very
14) I picked out my kids names before they were even
15) When I am stressed or haven’t slept much for long
periods, one of my eyes usually twitches!
16) Sometimes for an extra pick me up, I gulp down a can
of Red Bull if coffee doesn’t cut it.
17) My ultimate celeb crush is David Beckham, he just
looks better and better with age.
18) My friends would say I generally give out good advice
but I am rubbish at taking my own.
19) I am an avid social media user, however mainly just
use Instagram now and don’t really use Facebook, Snapchat or Twitter anymore. I
do go through phases though, sometimes I’ll just want to scroll through my news
feed on Insta and sometimes ill just watch peoples stories that’s all. Sometimes
I won’t go on at all and most days ill be on there atleast ten times in a day.
20) I have this obsession with being clean and smelling
nice, I will usually drench myself in perfume and have a minimum of two showers a
21) I love getting beauty treatments done, spas, massages,
facials, trips to the salon are my fav ways to relax and unwind.
22) I wish I had thicker and longer hair.
23) One thing I have a dislike for is arrogant people,
there is a thin line between confidence and arrogance.
24) Even when I am home, I like to be showered and dressed;
I don’t like the feeling of not having showered and being in my pyjamas all
25) Last but not least, I prefer tan coloured shoes to
black ones. Tan goes perfectly with black or navy blue outfits in my opinion.
So there you have it guys, 25 complete random facts about
me, what are yours? I’d love to know. If you do this tag too please leave any
links down below so I can take a read :-)
Love and Lipstick