Sunday, 20 May 2018

The juggling act: Motherhood and working full time.

Source: Google Images

I often get asked how I juggle motherhood with working full time and the honest answer is I do not actually know and often find myself asking the same question most days too.
Having two kids 11 months apart was certainly not the plan I had in mind, my eldest was 2 months old when I had discovered I was pregnant again, I was just getting into the routine of the constant nappy changing and milk feeding as well as the endless laundry, cooking and cleaning all whilst being sleep deprived whilst mentally preparing myself of the realisation that soon it would have to be done all over again.

was on mat leave from a job I thoroughly enjoyed, really thrived in and so I didn’t want to or have to worry about the financial side of things just yet, my main focus was on the two under twos I had. It wasn’t about me anymore. The days were long and were often spent cooped up at home as I simply did not have the time or energy to dress myself and leave the house dreading the thought of having to push two screaming kids around in an enormous double pram practically the size of me.  

A year of mat leave quickly passed, as they say in motherhood, the days are long but the years are short and they really are.

After many discussions, debates and disagreements the husband and I made the decision for me to resign and stay at home until  both kids were ready to start full time school. Of course this decision was not easy and I had a million of ‘buts’ and ‘what ifs’ running constantly through my mind and I often prayed and hoped that I had made the right choice and we wouldn’t be hit hard financially and struggle later.

For those of you that know me well would know I absolutely love working and have always had strong work ethics with the determination and drive to excel in anything that I do. I gave it my all. I despised the thought of being a full time permanent stay at home mum or a housewife, it has never been my desire to be a domestic goddess but instead go out there and earn a honest and decent living making a career for myself and my family. The bottom line is I loved working and making a living.

Managing on one income was never easy, it meant really budgeting and cutting down costs where we could and swapping Grande cappuccinos from Starbucks for homemade instant coffees as well as cutting back on the other unnecessary expenses. Every last bit of savings I had went towards the endless nappies, wipes and milk I needed for both kids, it was like having twins and doing everything twice and in unison.

The option for childcare was always there and there was lots of little schemes available which meant if I had wanted to I could have worked part time. Truth be told I just could not bear the thought of leaving my children with random strangers, child minders or family, they were my responsibility and let’s face it working your guts off to then just throw it all away on extortionate childcare fees seemed pretty pointless and ridiculous. Besides I wanted to be there and see every milestone, their first word, first steps, and their first tooth and so on. These precious moments would never come again I kept telling myself.

Fast forward four years, I threw myself into work and became the main income earner whilst my husband worked part time. The transition was tough, but the feeling of guilt was even tougher. I remember crying on my very first day of work after dropping them to school. I worked endlessly and paid all the bills whilst he did the school runs and grocery shops. Some would even say we reversed roles and I suppose in a way we did. It became a partnership. Some days I often found myself at breaking point questioning whether I could do it all, I was far too tired and felt as though I had every ounce of energy and life sucked out of me only to pick myself up and carry on..if I didn't who would I often thought to myself...

Mornings consist of a mini military operation, dragging both kids out of bed with me being their best friend and worst enemy all at the very same time, a constant race against time, sipping my now lukewarm cup of coffee whilst getting both kids dressed, fed and ready for school, book bags and PE kits checked for the tenth time and frantically running around like a headless chicken whilst trying to get myself looking presentable for work, praying and hoping that I hadn’t forgotten to do anything important or completely forgotten an assembly or school trip they had.  

Often stumbling into work at half nine each morning with colleagues often asking how on earth do I manage it all, how on earth do I manage a full face of makeup and hair with the whole contouring and highlighting shebang and I honestly wonder myself sometimes. Getting up before everyone else and having that extra hour to shower and cram it all in certainly does help. All I do know is that caffeine is my best friend, you would often find me gulping down a can of red bull most days to keep me going and stopping me falling asleep at my desk, most days having had a broken night’s sleep and then a tough day at work can really bring you down and lose the plot so to speak.

The hardest thing for me? When you’ve had a challenging day at the office, everything and anything has gone wrong and it has just not been your day, week or month, having to then rush home, switch off and get the dinner on, kids fed, bathed, bedtime story and then to sleep all in less than two hours. Then having to clear away the dinner dishes, put a load of washing on and hoover and clear up any muck the kids (or husband!) has made. It was never ending. Weekends were no better too, the dreaded grocery shopping, kids haircuts, homework, things around the house and pamper sessions for myself that I could not find the time to do in the week. You yearn for an escape, wishing you could just book yourself in a nice hotel somewhere, away from everyone with some much needed peace and quiet oh and one preferably with a spa and lots of room service!

By around 9.45pm most  days I find myself slumped on the sofa with not having the tiniest bit of energy to move, eyes half shut and just wanting my bed at this point, then I remember I had forgotten to reply to a text or phone call or work through the hundred of notifications i had from Whatapp group chats, or completely forgotten to check whether we do have the all important ingredient in the cupboard for the next day’s dinner, that is after finally deciding what to cook that is. Most nights were spent trying to glue up the last bit of their mini science or art project before dragging myself upstairs removing my makeup and psyching myself up for only having to do it all over again the very next day. Is there such a thing as the perfect balance? Probably not and maybe I could have cut myself a little slack here and there now I think about it.

Would I have it any other way? Absolutely not believe it or not. Yes it is VERY mentally, physically and emotionally draining and the constant race against time and trying to juggle everything as well as find ‘me’ or ‘couple’ time (yes the husbands need attention too!) is almost impossible and I realise I am not alone, yet in a funny sort of way it is so rewarding at the same time too. It all takes a lot of strength and organisation and having to constantly keep yourself motivated and remind yourself that you are doing it all for your family and that it will all be worth it in the end. Patience is key and required, lots and lots of it.

My end goal? Is to be a good role model to both my children and set them a good example and encourage them. Remind them that mummy made it to all the parents evenings and assemblies despite working full time, she took the day off work when she needed to stay at home when we were poorly, she put the dinner on the table after a long and tiring day at work and worked endlessly hard so that we could wear nice clothes and have nice holidays. She did it all for us.

And yet again, if you were to ask me how on earth I do it all, the answer is I have no idea....

Love and Lipstick.
