She vowed to ‘Fight For This Love’ and ‘Stand By’ him when the papers first claimed that her footballer husband of four years Ashley cheated on her, but it seems now Cheryl Cole or should I say Tweedy could be fighting a lost battle for her love after it emerged that he sent a string of X rated text messages and photos of himself to a glamour wanabe Sonya Wild and to another unnamed woman, just nine months earlier while poor Cheryl was working hard as a judge on the X Factor.
http://www.facebook.com/pages/If-cheryl-cole-gets-cheated-on-then-weve-got-no-hope/315072230641?ref=mf which of course I became a fan of.
Firstly, how does anyone even think of cheating on a woman like Cheryl Cole I do not know. Now would be a good time for Ashley Cole to book that much needed appointment at Specsavers do you not think as clearly he does not see how successful and gorgeous his soon to be ex wife is.
What’s more, the cheat even had the nerve to accuse Cheryl on his infidelity claiming she was never around to be a ‘good proper wife’- well I’m sorry Ashley, but that’s just not good enough and certainly not an excuse to play around.
What’s more, the cheat even had the nerve to accuse Cheryl on his infidelity claiming she was never around to be a ‘good proper wife’- well I’m sorry Ashley, but that’s just not good enough and certainly not an excuse to play around.
Cheryl worked damn hard to forgive Ashley and get her marriage back on track after the 2008 allegations and said to a magazine that she wanted to try for a baby soon once she finishes filming the X Factor and even claimed that her marriage was rock solid.
It just goes to show that money cannot buy everything…Cashley Cole earns a staggering £82,000 a week at Chelsea and is married to the nations sweetheart but yet that still wasn’t enough..and the ‘sex text cheat’ didn’t just cheat once on the poor Geordie lass….just when she thought her marriage was finally back on track after the scandal with blonde Aimee Walton, she had to be publicly humiliated again just when she got off to a flying start with her solo career.
The recent scandal with John Terry and his wife Toni welcoming him back with toned, tanned open arms doesn’t help either, it’s almost as if she easily let him off the hook and what about their recent pictures in Dubai canoodling with one another? You’d almost think they were newlyweds on their honeymoon! I’m sorry Toni, but don’t you know…once a cheat, always a cheat! If the likes of Cheryl Cole gets cheated on, what hope do the rest of us have? Facebook users have even created a group on the Facebook site:
You got to give it to her though, ever the professional, once the news was out, she still carried on performing at the Brit awards on the 16th of February, minus her wedding ring. Viewers reported that she was ‘tired’, ‘gaunt’ and’ lip synched out of tune’ which of course was perfectly understandable. She then jetted off to LA the next day using hunky dancer Derek Hough’s shoulders to cry on when further news of her husband splashed across tabloids including the Seattle city council worker, Ann Corbitt.
Fortunately and finally, she came to her senses and her management announced the couple’s split after she sent him packing via a text with even rumours flying around of a ‘quickie divorce’ Hurrah! Although, lets not get our hopes up just yet, apparently she has agreed to meet Ashley after he bombarded her with a billion of his calls and texts and her friends and family are said to be worried that her cheating husband could manage to talk her round a second time.
She is set to appear on 'Friday Night With Jonathan Ross' on the 12th of March, no doubt millions of viewers will tune in to hear her formally announce her split with Ashley Cole, although its got to be debated, will she or will she not cry on the show? I, for one, will certainly tune-in to find out.
If they do permanently split up, it wouldn’t be such a bad thing for Cheryl. As they didn’t sign a pre nup, she is entitled to half of the £22million fortune and assets. PR guru, Max Clifford reckons she could make it big in America and will become even more well known if she splits from him and she may just take up Simon Cowell’s offer on judging the American version of the ‘X Factor’ as nothing is stopping her now Ashley is out of her life.
Ultimately the decision is up to Cheryl with how she wants to move on; although we say DUMP HIM! One thing for sure though, is that Cheryl has many supporters behind her. Hopefully she will choose the right decision and the one that’s best for her…….the one that involves divorcing Ashley Cole.
Now now boys…form an orderly queue please….
What are your views on all of this? Should she or should she not dump her cheating husband?