Ok, so all the women want to look like Cheryl Cole and most men find her attractive. Whilst in 2003, she made headlines for her assault on a nightclub worker, these days she seems to be famous for her success as a judge on the Xfactor, her L’Oreal deal because ‘She’s Worth It’, her fantastic wardrobe and even fantastic looks. Don’t think the same could be said for her husband though….
She has come a long way since she first appeared on Pop Idol, both in terms of success and looks. Not that she was an ugly duckling before mind you, and it’s clear that she has not had any drastic plastic surgery; instead she dropped a few stubborn pounds that defined her face and gave her cheekbones most people would pay good money for. She had a few veneers put in to give her the classic Hollywood smile and most people alleged that she had Botox…which she strongly denies….in all fairness, she does have great skin and airbrushing is simply not an issue here, she looks just as great as she does on stage, TV and pictures. The rest was simply down to good make up and wardrobe and hiring the best hairstylist to give her the ‘most desired’ hair vote in every poll. Jealous…us?
Ok, but let’s not forget an important factor in all this, as much as she hates the tag (and although she has her own career and money in her own right) she is a WAG (That’s Wives and Girlfriends to you and me) and being married to a footballer certainly helps. Mr and Mrs Cole have something we mere mortals do not and that’s simply millions in the bank.
These millions can mean having the best facialist, manicurist, pedicurist, stylist, make up artist, hairstylist, nutritionist and god knows what other ‘ist’ these celebs have at their call 24 hours.
The stunning Geordie makes the most of what she has, for starters, she’s not particularly tall, but wacking on a sexy pair of Christian Louboutin shoes, gives her height and not to mention making her slim, tanned, toned legs stand out......something that’s not impossible for us humans to do too if we wished.
I guess what I am trying to say here is that ok, we will never completely and utterly look like Cheryl Cole physically (unless you resort to the surgeon’s knife? no didn’t think so) but by using clever make up, getting clothes to suit our body shape, having a new hair cut and colour and a few pampering sessions could mean one thing ladies…we too could soon look like Cheryl Cole.
Here are my top ten simple tips below to get you that one step closer to looking just as gorgeous ….and that is without needing millions in the bank…
1) WEIGHT. If you are short (like me) with a few stubborn pounds, it may be best to lose these, tone up by exercising for 30 minutes 3 times a week, work on the upper area one day, the middle part the next and on day three the lower part, i.e. thighs and bums. Toning up will define cheekbones and our clothes will look better. Who needs a costly gym membership, doing this at home will work out the same, jogging on the spot, skipping etc.
2) HAIR. One thing obvious with Cheryl is her gorgeous mane, thick and smooth. I would suggest getting clip in hair extensions (Clip Hair are quite good- Google it) and choose some chocolate brown colour with a few highlights in it. The trick is to get the extensions the same length as your own hair and not longer, this is what Cheryl does. Get some help in cutting the extensions to match your hair and wear these as often as you want as they don’t damage your hair and takes about 5-10 minutes clipping in. Invest in a good shampoo and ALWAYS condition hair, leave in for a few minutes and if you’re really brave do your final hair rinse with COLD water as this will smooth down the cuticles and give a natural shine. For volume, use a good voluminising mousse, (Tresemme and BedHead are good) and use large hair curlers at the ends to get waves/curls like hers and blow dry using the correct brushes, rounds ones, and blast it with cold air to hold your style in place.
3 ) MAKE UP. Cheryl obviously has great skin and is never seen with heavy caked on make up. Invest in good quality make up; MAC is the best in my opinion. She is known to use MAC face and body foundation (get some help in choosing the right shade for your skin) and L’Oreal Volume shocking mascara in carbon black, of course on special nights out, try out false eyelashes- Eyelure ones are usually good, and whats more, Girls Aloud have designed their own range- Kimberly’s are the best in my opinion. (They usually contain instructions as how to put them on- apply a few coats of mascara on top). Use a good fake tan lotion, Cheryl is a fan of Fake bake, St Tropez is good too, apply this over your body for a sun kissed glow (but exfoliate first as application will be smoother) and use shimmering lotion to define shoulders, cheeks, bust etc like Cheryl.
4) SKIN .MOISTERISE, MOISTERISE, MOISTERISE, if possible, cleanse tone and moisturise every day, and always remember the neck area as people tend to neglect this area. ALWAYS remove make up before bed as the dirt and oil will clog up your skin. To keep your skin hydrated, drink 2 litres of water a day, cut on caffeine, starchy foods, fizzy drinks and sugar. If possible, drink green tea throughout the day as not only is it good for metabolism, but it has great antioxidants too. Fruit juices and smoothies can also count towards your daily 2 litres. If you smoke, give up! Once a week, put on a face pack, or make your own at home. Steaming your face will also work and open up your pores.
5) NAILS. Nail extensions are also a great way to look groomed, medium length; square tips with a French manicure will usually look the best and will last 4-5 weeks depending on where you get them done.
6) FOOD. ‘You are what you eat’- ALWAYS have breakfast, a porridge or bowl of Special K will keep hunger at bay till lunch. Do not eat any carbs after 6pm, and snack on fruit, carrots, blueberries, celery sticks. You can dip it in hummus to make it less boring and of course don’t forget to treat yourself once in a while! (Chocolate!). Take a good hair, skin and nails supplement like Perfectil tablets if your diet is not rich in nutrients.
7) EYES. To make your eyes stand out, invest in Freshlook cosmetic lenses; get almond/chocolate brown coloured ones to match your Cheryl’s eyes! Bring these out, with lashes of mascara and kohl eyeliner around the eyes.For fresh eyes, invest in sparking/brightening eye drops and to soothe tired, irritated eyes, the good old cold cucumbers over them always work. For puffy eyes, keep your eye gel in the fridge and apply this when needed.
8) POUT. For a ‘fake’ it pout without all the injections, invest in a good plumping lip-gloss. Sally Hansen and Soap and Glory are some good affordable ones to name a few. Available from all Superdrug’s and Boots.
9) BODY. Apply any good cream after coming out of the shower to lock in moisture, best to do when you skin is slightly damp. Also, use a body brush and ‘dry brush’ in circular motions over your body brushing towards to heart, paying particular attention to the knees and elbows. This will remove dead skin cells and boost circulation.
10) BE HAPPY. There is no point in doing all of the above religiously if you are not happy inside. Eliminate any major stress in your life, relax and have some ‘me time’ when you can. Get plenty of sleep at night, eight hours is usually sufficient, think positive, do positive, do Yoga when you get some spare time, spend quality time with your loved ones and if you feel good, you will definitely look better for it.
See, told you it doesn’t need to break the bank, print this out, stick it wherever you like and where you can see it, (mine is on the fridge!) , do at least 2 of these things daily and you’ll be looking fantabulous in no time, quicker than you can say Cheryl Cole.
She has come a long way since she first appeared on Pop Idol, both in terms of success and looks. Not that she was an ugly duckling before mind you, and it’s clear that she has not had any drastic plastic surgery; instead she dropped a few stubborn pounds that defined her face and gave her cheekbones most people would pay good money for. She had a few veneers put in to give her the classic Hollywood smile and most people alleged that she had Botox…which she strongly denies….in all fairness, she does have great skin and airbrushing is simply not an issue here, she looks just as great as she does on stage, TV and pictures. The rest was simply down to good make up and wardrobe and hiring the best hairstylist to give her the ‘most desired’ hair vote in every poll. Jealous…us?
Ok, but let’s not forget an important factor in all this, as much as she hates the tag (and although she has her own career and money in her own right) she is a WAG (That’s Wives and Girlfriends to you and me) and being married to a footballer certainly helps. Mr and Mrs Cole have something we mere mortals do not and that’s simply millions in the bank.
These millions can mean having the best facialist, manicurist, pedicurist, stylist, make up artist, hairstylist, nutritionist and god knows what other ‘ist’ these celebs have at their call 24 hours.
The stunning Geordie makes the most of what she has, for starters, she’s not particularly tall, but wacking on a sexy pair of Christian Louboutin shoes, gives her height and not to mention making her slim, tanned, toned legs stand out......something that’s not impossible for us humans to do too if we wished.
I guess what I am trying to say here is that ok, we will never completely and utterly look like Cheryl Cole physically (unless you resort to the surgeon’s knife? no didn’t think so) but by using clever make up, getting clothes to suit our body shape, having a new hair cut and colour and a few pampering sessions could mean one thing ladies…we too could soon look like Cheryl Cole.
Here are my top ten simple tips below to get you that one step closer to looking just as gorgeous ….and that is without needing millions in the bank…
1) WEIGHT. If you are short (like me) with a few stubborn pounds, it may be best to lose these, tone up by exercising for 30 minutes 3 times a week, work on the upper area one day, the middle part the next and on day three the lower part, i.e. thighs and bums. Toning up will define cheekbones and our clothes will look better. Who needs a costly gym membership, doing this at home will work out the same, jogging on the spot, skipping etc.
2) HAIR. One thing obvious with Cheryl is her gorgeous mane, thick and smooth. I would suggest getting clip in hair extensions (Clip Hair are quite good- Google it) and choose some chocolate brown colour with a few highlights in it. The trick is to get the extensions the same length as your own hair and not longer, this is what Cheryl does. Get some help in cutting the extensions to match your hair and wear these as often as you want as they don’t damage your hair and takes about 5-10 minutes clipping in. Invest in a good shampoo and ALWAYS condition hair, leave in for a few minutes and if you’re really brave do your final hair rinse with COLD water as this will smooth down the cuticles and give a natural shine. For volume, use a good voluminising mousse, (Tresemme and BedHead are good) and use large hair curlers at the ends to get waves/curls like hers and blow dry using the correct brushes, rounds ones, and blast it with cold air to hold your style in place.
3 ) MAKE UP. Cheryl obviously has great skin and is never seen with heavy caked on make up. Invest in good quality make up; MAC is the best in my opinion. She is known to use MAC face and body foundation (get some help in choosing the right shade for your skin) and L’Oreal Volume shocking mascara in carbon black, of course on special nights out, try out false eyelashes- Eyelure ones are usually good, and whats more, Girls Aloud have designed their own range- Kimberly’s are the best in my opinion. (They usually contain instructions as how to put them on- apply a few coats of mascara on top). Use a good fake tan lotion, Cheryl is a fan of Fake bake, St Tropez is good too, apply this over your body for a sun kissed glow (but exfoliate first as application will be smoother) and use shimmering lotion to define shoulders, cheeks, bust etc like Cheryl.
4) SKIN .MOISTERISE, MOISTERISE, MOISTERISE, if possible, cleanse tone and moisturise every day, and always remember the neck area as people tend to neglect this area. ALWAYS remove make up before bed as the dirt and oil will clog up your skin. To keep your skin hydrated, drink 2 litres of water a day, cut on caffeine, starchy foods, fizzy drinks and sugar. If possible, drink green tea throughout the day as not only is it good for metabolism, but it has great antioxidants too. Fruit juices and smoothies can also count towards your daily 2 litres. If you smoke, give up! Once a week, put on a face pack, or make your own at home. Steaming your face will also work and open up your pores.
5) NAILS. Nail extensions are also a great way to look groomed, medium length; square tips with a French manicure will usually look the best and will last 4-5 weeks depending on where you get them done.
6) FOOD. ‘You are what you eat’- ALWAYS have breakfast, a porridge or bowl of Special K will keep hunger at bay till lunch. Do not eat any carbs after 6pm, and snack on fruit, carrots, blueberries, celery sticks. You can dip it in hummus to make it less boring and of course don’t forget to treat yourself once in a while! (Chocolate!). Take a good hair, skin and nails supplement like Perfectil tablets if your diet is not rich in nutrients.
7) EYES. To make your eyes stand out, invest in Freshlook cosmetic lenses; get almond/chocolate brown coloured ones to match your Cheryl’s eyes! Bring these out, with lashes of mascara and kohl eyeliner around the eyes.For fresh eyes, invest in sparking/brightening eye drops and to soothe tired, irritated eyes, the good old cold cucumbers over them always work. For puffy eyes, keep your eye gel in the fridge and apply this when needed.
8) POUT. For a ‘fake’ it pout without all the injections, invest in a good plumping lip-gloss. Sally Hansen and Soap and Glory are some good affordable ones to name a few. Available from all Superdrug’s and Boots.
9) BODY. Apply any good cream after coming out of the shower to lock in moisture, best to do when you skin is slightly damp. Also, use a body brush and ‘dry brush’ in circular motions over your body brushing towards to heart, paying particular attention to the knees and elbows. This will remove dead skin cells and boost circulation.
10) BE HAPPY. There is no point in doing all of the above religiously if you are not happy inside. Eliminate any major stress in your life, relax and have some ‘me time’ when you can. Get plenty of sleep at night, eight hours is usually sufficient, think positive, do positive, do Yoga when you get some spare time, spend quality time with your loved ones and if you feel good, you will definitely look better for it.
See, told you it doesn’t need to break the bank, print this out, stick it wherever you like and where you can see it, (mine is on the fridge!) , do at least 2 of these things daily and you’ll be looking fantabulous in no time, quicker than you can say Cheryl Cole.
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